Thursday, September 06, 2012

The GREEN Japan : A complete aerial view !

Everybody assumes that Japan being one of the most urbanized country is just like a concrete jungle bustling at all seams. Though this statement is true for big cities the countryside presents a completely different picture. During my flight from Tokyo to Hakata I was privileged to see the vast span of greenery which Japan has. 

Here are some glimpses of the green Japan on my travel blog.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Top Hindi Bloggers as per Networked Blogs, Facebook

Hindi Bloggers are also becoming active on Facebook. This is evident in their use of applications such as Networked Blogs. To find out the popularity of Hindi Blogs on Facebook I used the following link.

The details of these blogs can be gathered by clicking on the above mentioned link. In general it can be seen that these blogs are related with news , Hindi literature (both prose & poetry). However there are also some blogs related to Music, Travel, Cinema in the list.