Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My New Blogmates

Two important things happened last week
Finally I got a broadband connection

and a digital camera

I was waiting for them for qt some time so I am really very happy!


Zyenab said...

Welcome back !!

Wht a surprize :) You bought a digi cam ..and am still on my way to do so hehe....:D

Congratulation !! And now,yoohoo treat time !! :D we want pics ,pics and lotzz of frm ur cam , so till thn status set as
"waiting " !! :))

Urvashi said...

Hey! You are back! I don't have a digi cam of mine own, but my parents do. All the pics that I put up on my Kerala tour posts were taken with that. Damn cool ain't they? Now I'll be waiting for soem cool pics on your blog. :)

Dawn said...

welcome back manish...:)
am glad you are done with ur viva...but hey it will be very unfair if you have a digi-cam, and u take beautiful pics of places and DONT SHARE it ........................ hope you will learn some good will aspect ;)

Congrats on the I know u wanted it since long :)


Anonymous said...

wow! thats a cool camera!